Gestion intuitive des horaires, avec Ohipa

Plan and follow the weekly schedules in just a few clicks.


Dans le monde concurrentiel d'aujourd'hui, chaque avantage compte. Ohipa, Notre application de gestion tout-en-un est conçue pour propulser votre entreprise vers de nouveaux sommets. Découvrez comment elle peut optimiser vos processus, maximiser l'efficacité de votre équipe, et simplifier la gestion de vos stocks.

  • Maximum Productivity: Eliminate forgotten tasks and optimize each process, ensuring maximum productivity for your team.
  • Instant Visibility: Acquire real-time data to supervise operations and make informed decisions.
  • Time optimization: Define working hours for each employee and optimize your employees’ working times.
  • Simplified Management: Simplify schedule scheduling, time management and job supervision, and manage inventory with one application.
  • Powerful Stats: View the performance of your team thanks to detailed statistics, identifying opportunities for improvement.